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Shop By Helena Bordon

Helena Bordon


Esmaltes e suas embalagens (sem contar nas cores!) nunca estiveram tão na moda. Há salões especializados e lojas que vendem produtos de marca que nunca tivemos acesso antes. A novidade da vez é a marca de cosméticos StrangeBeautiful que acaba de lançar uma coleção de esmaltes chamada Dose, The Color Pill.

Criados em formato de pílulas, cada estojo contém três esmaltes e podem ser encontrados em até seis estojinhos diferentes: Clever Girl, Black Beauties, Green Room, Brown Out, The Blues e Bright Future. A ideia é interessante e as cores são bem bonitas. Gostou? Cada “dose” chega a custar US$20 e quem quiser comprar é só ir até o site oficial. Show!


Nail polishes and their packagings (not to mention the colors!) have never been so high fashioned. There are specialized salons and stores that sell products that we have never had access before. The goodie of the day is the cosmetics brand StrangeBeautiful that has just launched a nail lacquer collection called Dose, The Color Pill.

Created in “pills”, each packaging has three nail polishes that can be found in six different packages: Clever Girl, Black Beauties, Green Room, Brown Out, The Blues and Bright Future. The idea is quite interesting and the colors are very nice. Liked it? Each “dose” costs US$20 and whoever wants to buy it can get it on the official site. YAY!





1 comentário

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    Bem legal a embalagem! *-*
    Hilton Alves

    Comentário by Hilton Alves on 01/04/2013 at 16:37

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Website by Camila Bossolan

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